Tuesday, October 5, 2021


While learning about media studies, I've learned that all movies are a motion of picture composed with techniques and concepts connecting us to stories, in other words, I learned about cinematography. All movies contains motion of pictures that uses different types of shots, angles, and movements to create a certain scene. When I learned about cinematography I was be able to understand the movies that pervade our world.

What is cinematography?

Cinematography involves techniques that compose multiple different scenes, to create a movie. It comprise all-on screen visual elements and you will find that they're are different things that go through it. shots, angles, and movements.

-Shots- Unbroken span of action captured by an uninterrupted run of motion picture camera. They're are multiple different shot types which are defined by how close the camera is to the subject that's being filmed. Camera shots are based on what they are trying to show the viewers. There are over many different types of camera shots: Close-up, Medium shot, full shot, extreme wide-out, mid-shot etc.

-Angles- The specific location where the movie camera or video is placed to take a shot. Scenes can be shot from variety of angles instantly to get the exact shot wanted. They are the different places the shots are taken, and how the shots are taken. Some different type of shots are, eye level shot, low angle shot, high angle shot, ground level shot, etc.

-Movements- The way a camera shifts to visually narrate and shape a viewer's perspective of a scene. Movements happens when the camera moves and the way it moves, if the camera moves up and down the movement will be vertical and if the camera moves left to right the movements will be horizontal. Here are some examples of camera movements, zoom, tilt, dolly, truck, pan etc.


From what I've learn from cinematography I was able to identify shot types and angles.


I am now able to identify the different types of shots in a film and determine how they are created


“Film.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/art/motion-picture.

MasterClass. “Film 101: What Is Cinematography and What Does a Cinematographer Do? - 2022.” MasterClass, MasterClass, 1 Oct. 2021, https://www.masterclass.com/articles/film-101-what-is-cinematography-and-what-does-a-cinematographer-do.

Filmmaking 101: Camera Shot Types | B&H Explora. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/explora/video/tips-and-solutions/filmmaking-101-camera-shot-types.


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